COVID-19 How To Stay Safe And Enjoy Your Tour




Here are the steps we are taking to help protect the health and safety of our customers and our staff.
Enjoy the outdoors with confidence!
- Established a check in area outside.
- Credit Cards only will be accepted. Adding CC tips are available.
- Increased in store cleaning protocols.
- Increased gear cleaning protocols.
- We are limiting the number of guests in the shop and on tour.
- Kayak and Bike tours will adhere to 6 foot distancing.
- Staff and guests who are sick will be asked to stay home and provided a full refund.
- Everyone will be encouraged to wear a mask.
- Everyone will be asked to wash their hands prior to touring.
This is a challenging time for all of us, but our first priority is to the safety of our guests, staff and community. As a small, family-run business, our customers have always been the heart of Door County Kayak Tours.